Sunday, March 04, 2007

No Sleep

As I have previously mentioned, I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. Thursday night, I decided to try sleeping on the couch. I slept for longer stretches than I have been in bed, but still not well.

I felt so bad Friday night, Paul was home and I woke up about 3 am and could not get comfortable. Finally, about 4:30 I got up and went and got in the recliner with a pillow behind my back. I finally got back to sleep at around 5:45 or so and the kids slept in until about 7.

I have really gotten to where I dread night! I used to love nighttime, and could not wait to go to bed (and it always flew by too fast!!!), but now - seriously - I HATE IT!!! It could not drag on any longer!!!

Luckily, last night was a pretty good night. I woke up around 3:30, but was only awake for about 45 minutes before I fell back asleep. I guess exhaustion is outweighing uncomfort at this point (or for one night anyway!!).

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