Friday, March 16, 2007

Magic Crayon Update

Well, after 4 magic erasers, 1 scrubby rag, lots of elbow grease and a hour of scrubbing - the dryer is still colorful, but it is not coming off, until I put a white load of laundry in I am sure!! I put some wet old towels in just to see if it was going to come off. It appeared that a little did, so I am going to do all of the dark laundry and blankets, etc first. Maybe by the time I get the whites in there - the crayon will not be coming off anymore.

As for the clothes: I am washing them for the third time. This time I have sprayed each individual piece of clothing with Shout, and I am splitting the load in half, so instead of one regular load, I am going to do two small loads and see if that will help. Unfortunately, on top of turning this one load into 3 loads, the load that was in the washer when I found the mess last night was a white load. Now, by the time I can get that load in the dryer - it will have to be rewashed!

This is what happens when you let laundry get behind and finally decide to try and get it caught back up!! LESSON LEARNED!!

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