Thursday, March 29, 2007

Healthy Eating Update

Well, this healthy eating is going much better than anticipated!! We have eaten fairly healthy all week, meaning - it could probably be healthier, but it is much better than we have been eating. Nothing fried, no eating out, light dressings, etc. We still have the occasional sweet, but Paul has knocked out the 9 oreos and cup of milk every night at bedtime (yes - it has to be 9 oreos with his cup of milk - and if you eat one when he is not looking, he can tell without counting!!!)

Last weeks menu consisted of grilled chicken salad - which I already told you about, we had tuna sandwiches one night, chicken stir-fry with lots of fresh veggies, this one-skillet meal with chicken, garden veggies cooked in LIGHT italian dressing, tonight we are having homemade chicken noodle soup.

This is the amazing part. The only night there were ANY complaints was the night we had tuna sandwiches. Bryce was not big on that. The rest of the nights all of the kids have eaten ALL of their dinner! Even more amazing - they are not asking for all the sweets - after just one week!

Today while we were getting groceries, Bryce was in the buggy and we were going through produce. I was getting some fresh green beans and Bryce was naming all of the vegetables - correctly - even the ones we don't eat!! I mean, he pointed to the squash and said "that is butternut squash!"

They also asked for lots of fruit. So we got cantelope, strawberries, bananas and apples for snacking and also got supplies for smoothies, which we ALL love!!

So - after week 1, this whole thing is going great and I am VERY impressed with the boys (especially Bryce who NEVER eats vegetables!)

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