Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"The" Oil Change

Last nights oil change took:
10 quarts of oil
3 quarts of transmission fluid
2 rolls of paper towels
about 70 pounds of kitty litter
one jug of pine sol
3/4 container dish soap
and 4 1/2 hours to change the oil and clean-up (usually takes 30 minutes or less)

I did cheer Paul up however. He got a good laugh out of seeing a HUGE pregnant woman squatting down and picking up over 70 pounds (after you add the oil it soaked up) of kitty litter, dustpan full by dustpan full. My legs kept hurting and there were several times I almost landed face first in the kittylitter/oil mix!

Glad I could cheer you up Dear!!

Me, on the other hand, woke up several times last night to my legs trying to cramp from all of the squatting and standing.

We seemed to have gotten most of the oil up. I am going to go to Home Depot today and see if I can find some garage floor cleaner.

I think out of almost 12 years of us being together there have only been a very few times I have seen Paul that mad. Luckily, the kids were in bed and did not witness it. I had to stand outside with him to make sure nothing got destroyed (like my car or the house) by flying fist!!!

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