Monday, March 19, 2007

Potty Mouth

Bryce has become quit the potty mouth. While I am thankful that there is no curse words involved, I still don't like it. He trys to incorporate fart, poop, poopoo, etc in everything. Or he we will be in the car and he will talk about birds "crapping" on our car.

Yesterday, Caleb introduced a new word into Bryce's potty vocabulary. Caleb called Bryce a "butthead." I got onto Caleb for not only calling his brother a name, but teaching him a new word that he did not need to learn. Sure enough, about 30 minutes later I hear Bryce saying butthead.

I know he is just trying to get a laugh because after he says one of them - he starts giggling. Now we have to get everyone NOT to laugh when he acts like that (which he has a contagious giggle so you may laugh at his laugh and not the word, but he does not know the difference!!

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