Saturday, March 17, 2007

Pitbulls Running Free (through my yard)

I find it somewhat disturbing that while I sat here and typed my last entry I looked out the window to see two kids running down the road, followed by two pitbulls. As if it was not disturbing enough that two pitbulls are chasing two kids - one of the pitbulls is dragging a cable where it looks like someone had him tied-down in the yard with a NAIL!! Now, I don't know much about pitbulls, but who would think that a nail in the dirt (mind you it rained at least 3 days this week) would hold a pitbull?

The kids jumped in a car, with I assume someone they know and I saw some guy running through my front yard yelling at the dogs. Have not seen him go back by with the dogs though!! I guess the boys definently won't be playing much out front (not that I let them anyway since we are on a corner lot and people drive through here way to fast).

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