Saturday, March 17, 2007

My Night of No Sleep

I can't blame Andrew for my lack of sleep - not completely anyway. Here is how last night went (roughly):

9:30 - I start trying to call Paul. I can't get in touch with him, so my mind starts wandering. What if a tanker car that he was standing to close to exploded? See, he called me the other night and was telling me that he felt like he was sunburned because he was so close to a burning car. Then I remember that it has been snowing in NY. What if he has been an accident. Surely, someone would call right? Unless they were all together! I finally convinced myself that his phone was still screwed up from being in the rain and that is why I could not get him. I go to bed.

Today I found out that he did not even HAVE his phone - they were in the process of activating a new phone for him. He had sent me an email, but it was after I had turned the computer off for the night!

11:15 - Potty time

12:00 - Bryce comes to my room. He is congested and having a hard time sleeping so I give him some medicine and decided to let him stay in my room because I did not want him to wake up Isaac.

12:30 - I wake up to the dog in hall (his nails on the tile wake me up). Apparantly, he has decided that tonight he is dying of thirst, but is out of water. I tell him to go to bed.

1:30 - Isaac comes in the room. I take him and Bryce both back to bed. Went potty!

3:00 - wake up to the cat biting my toe - guess she was ready to play and I moved my foot under the blanket so she thought I wanted to play. Kicked her off the bed and she decided she would play without me - but as loud as possible. Went to the bathroom AGAIN!!

3:45 - wake up to the dog moving the water bowl around in the laundry room on the tile floor.
Yell at him to go to bed.

5:00 - Bryce comes back - no energy to take him back to his bed. I get up to go potty and debate just staying up for the day.

7:15 - Isaac comes in asking for cartoons to be turned on, and in the process wakes up Bryce. I give up on sleep and get in the shower.

See, other than getting up to potty - none of it was Andrew's fault. The animals, on the other hand, I am ready to get rid of. The kids - well I guess I will keep them!!

Now at nap time - I can blame Isaac and Andrew! I went and laid in my bed with Bryce to get him to sleep. Caleb and Isaac were suppose to be sleeping in their beds. I dozed off while getting Bryce to sleep, only to be awakened after about 10 minutes to Isaac getting into stuff in the living room. I get up and move to the couch to try to finish my nap, after I put Isaac back in bed. As soon as I laid down, Andrew decided to practice his somersaults!

Tonight, Paul's flight is suppose to be here at 10:50 and I have to go pick him up at the airport. Usually, if his flights are on time, they loose his baggage, so we may be home by 1!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, you won't get any sleep for the next 25 years...if your lucky by then you will be able to sleep. I still think of your brothers and sister and you and night and hope that all is well with all of you. Best you can do is pray for their safety and your sanity. Love, Mom