Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Bryce is having a hard time learning boundaries. This has probably been the biggest challange with him. You know the old saying "you give them an inch and they take a mile." Well Bryce usually skips the inch and the mile and goes straight for three miles!! I feel like I am always really strict with him, but really there is no other way with him.

One example of this is choir. He has been going to choir on Wednesday, but it has gotten to where they always give candy to the kids after choir, and Bryce never gets any because he does not listen. Now, I am all for sticking to your guns and not giving him rewards just because everyone else gets it (although I am not that fond of the kids getting candy at 8 pm), but every week we leave with Bryce throwing a tantrum because his brothers got candy and he didn't.

I think part of the problem is that Bryce cannot sit still to save his life, as many 3 year olds have a problem with this. In choir, however, they have 3-5 year olds all together. This is a big span in age when you are looking at the amount of attention you are going to get.

Last week, we (Bryce and I) decided that he would start staying home with Daddy on Wednesday night. We talked about it, and I explained why I did not think he should go anymore (for now) and he liked the idea of staying home with Daddy. Well, that is all great - except Daddy is out of town again!!! So he HAD to go tonight.

We talked about it on the way to church tonight and I reminded him when we got to class that if he wanted a reward he HAD to behave and sit down and do what he is told. As I left though, I was not feeling much promise about it!! Imagine my surprise when I went to pick them up and his teacher came out with a sucker and told me he was VERY good tonight. They were not handing out candy tonight, but because he was so good, she wanted to reward him. I really appreciated her doing that, because I am afraid if she hadn't after he behaved - it would never happen again!!!

I cannot make others understand that you have to stay on top of Bryce to keep him in line. I know that is not fun, for him or them, but that is the only way to keep him from getting out of line - which happens VERY quickly!!

I am very proud of him for his behavior tonight!!!

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