Monday, March 12, 2007


This was not a very good weekend. I had a list of things I wanted to get done - with the help of Paul. Well, Saturday he spent over 6 hours helping his boss move. When he got home we went to Home Depot and got blinds for the house. He spent the rest of the evening putting up blinds - at least that is done!!

Sunday, after church, we came home and he finished putting up blinds. Then we went and worked on the garage. BOTH CARS ARE NOW IN THE GARAGE!! HOORAY!! We were not able to put anything in the attic - we need to get some plywood to put down first, so the entire garage is lined with tubs, tools, bikes, etc. But, at least we got both vehicles in. We spent over five hours working on the garage, but it is well organized now. I spent the time to number the tubs and note what was in each one. I am going to keep the pages that have the contents inside and when we need something - I will know exactly where to go.

Paul was pretty amazed at the amount of empty tubs we had. He asked where they all came from (because I told him I was giving them away). I told him they were all full of stuff from the attic. We unpacked A LOT that was being stored in the attic into the house.

That is all we got accomplished from our list! I am suppose to have Bunco tonight. I did not get to play last month because Paul was in Kansas City, so I was really looking forward to playing tonight. Paul called me at 8 this morning to tell me he was on his way home to pack to go to New York. There was a train derailment, but there were at least four ER's last week, so everyone is out of the office. Paul came home, packed his dirty clothes (I did not do laundry all weekend) with his clean clothes and I took him back to the office so he could be on his way.

This should be his last trip. I told him he could not go past next week because we will be a month out from our due date.

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