Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Sandbox

As a kind of spring gift, Daddy made the boys a sandbox - a good sized one too. It is about a 5x5 and has 800 pounds of sand in it. Bryce LOVES to dig, so we have been talking about getting one, but we figured we would get more for our money and a better box if Paul built it. Also, it is not easy to find a sandbox already made, big enough for all of the boys to play in. So the boys have been unpatiently waiting for the last two days for the sandbox.

I have been painting it. It is not done, but the boys REALLY wanted to play in it, so I told them I would finish painting it tonight. I need to paint one side and the frame around the top, so it should not take too long to finish. I am going to try to do it this evening, so they can play in it as soon as we get home from church tomorrow.

Paul even added on the umbrella so they would not get sunburned playing in it (like we did making it)!! I think it turned out great - and gives them some entertainment in the backyard!! I will post more pictures when I get done painting it.


Anonymous said...

FNATASTIC JOB!! Have fun with that boys. Love Grandma & Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Wow! When you said you were building a sandbox, I expected something small. That's more like a . . . sand pool! Lindsay