Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Boys and Andrew

Andrew is not moving quite as much anymore (thank goodness), but when he does - you can feel it, no matter how small the move. He is still spending a lot of time in my ribs, so I can feel every stretch he makes!! I am interested to see how big he is, because he feels huge!! He is
ALL over my stomach!

Caleb keeps asking me just how big this baby is going to be because my belly is so big. I thank him each time, especially for the look of disgust he gives while asking!! Bryce's new thing is to ask to give Andrew a kiss. He pulls my shirt up to kiss him, but gives him raspberries instead. EVERY TIME, Andrew kicks Bryce in the face (and I mean hard!!) and Bryce starts laughing uncontrollably, which makes everyone else laugh. I guess Andrew does not like the sound or feeling of Bryce doing that. Isaac likes to give me hugs and kisses and then give Andrew hugs and kisses.

I think all of the boys will do good with the baby. I am kind of concerned with Bryce getting a little rough, not on purpose, just because he is rough! I think Isaac will do good. He did great with Bryce and he was only 18 months old! I think he will be gentle and try to take care of him a lot. Caleb - well, I think he will just get annoyed by the crying, etc and lock himself in his room!! We will see though!

I had to put together the swing and playpen yesterday to make sure everything worked right. My 90 days to return them were about to run out and knowing my luck, if I did not check it - it would be broken and I would not be able to return it!!! Everything worked great! Bryce came out into the living room and started looking for Andrew. I guess he thought that since the swing and playpen were set up - the baby was here. I guess he thinks the stork is delivering him, because he does not understand that I will have to go away for a little while and come back with the baby!!!

I still need to get a high chair, but I have a few months for that, so I have not been too concerned with it.

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