Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, we are all exhausted!!! We had such a busy, but good weekend! Paul took Friday off so he could help me get some stuff done, and also because it was my birthday and he wanted to spend it with me (AAHHHHHH!). He came home from work Thursday with a Spacesaver radio/cd player for the kitchen (it hangs under the cabinets), and a gift certificate to one of my favorite stores. He even hung the radio as soon as I opened it!!

Friday morning, we took Caleb and Isaac to school and came home and did some work around the house (mowing, mopping, etc.). When we were done Paul decided he wanted to take the kids to lunch and to see Cars. So we picked the kids up at about 11 or so and took them to McDonalds and then to the movies. It was such a good movie!!! Friday afternoon I went to the airport and picked up Nana, Aunt Lindsay and Aunt Mary who flew in for Bryce's party.

Saturday morning we got up to RAIN!! Not just light rain - HARD POUIRNG RAIN!!! This would be fine normally. We need the rain badly, but did it have to come the day we planned an outdoor party??? When Bryce got up I told him it was raining, "No its not" he said. "Yes it is sweetie." He looked at the window and got a major pouty lip "NOW MY BIRTHDAY RUINED!" he said. So I called the firemen to see if they could come to the house for the party. They said that was fine, so I then got to call everyone and let them know the party had been moved.

The firemen called back after a little while and asked what Bryce liked to play with other than firetrucks. I told them pretty much anything with wheels. When I got off the phone with them, I went to Walmart to get the balloons and cake, where I saw the firemen with balloons and several bags. HOW SWEET OF THEM!! Not only did they go way above and beyond for the party (and everything else they do for Bryce) but they went and bought him gifts and balloons!!

I rushed home and got the house decorated and ready for all of the guests to arrive at one. Luckily the house was clean for the last minute change in plans!!

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