Monday, June 26, 2006

I Might Cry!

Well, Bryce and I went and did our normal morning routine of taking Caleb and Isaac to school and running errands. I usually try to do all my errands first thing in the morning, because Bryce is usually in a good mood, but not too wild yet.

So everything went fine, until we got home! I pulled in the driveway and things went horribly wrong!

"Where's my boat?" Bryce asked frantically.

"I don't know - I did not know you brought one."

"Where is my boat?"

"OOOOHHHH" (insert lightbulb flashing above my head!)

"Oh yeah - it is at the beach." he said

"Sweetie, we sold the boat - remember?"

This is where the puddles of tears come in! I tried explaining, yet again, that now he could play in the driveway, but he wanted nothing to do with that.

Now when I sold the boat Saturday, I must admit, I had a twinge of sadness. I mean - we did not fit in the boat (the family), and Paul does not have time for the boat, was OUR boat. It is nice to have the driveway, too.

But everytime Bryce crys about makes me a little sadder about it!!

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