Tuesday, June 06, 2006

As I mentioned in a previous post, I was in the hospital last week for another sleep study. As I have also mentioned in previous posts, I have been having problems with Bryce taking naps lately. Well, when I was in the hospital, Daddy stayed home with Bryce. While at the hospital, I was instant messaging Paul with Bryce's routine. I asked if he was eating lunch yet and Paul said he was. He said he did not think he liked what he was eating, though, because he was eating very slowly. I told him that he knows that after lunch it is naptime, so he stalls.

The one time in 3 years that Daddy stays home from work with Bryce: Bryce walks into Paul. "Daddy, I need a firetruck pullup, it naptime." Paul gave him his pullup and guess what Bryce did: that is right - HE CRAWLS INTO BED AND GOES RIGHT TO SLEEP!!!!

Paul tells me this. All I had to say, "It is time for a change. I guess I need to find a job so you can stay home because you are obviously better at it than I am!"

I must say though, the next day I asked Bryce if he was going to take a nap like he did for Daddy. He said he would if I would keep his door open (which Daddy did not do). I told him that was fine as long as he would go to sleep. HE DID! Now, he is back to taking naps, but we have to leave the door open! Whatever works!!

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