Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bryce and His Vegetables

For those of you who don't already know this, Bryce has always had a problem with vegetables. Always - as in - since birth! It started with anything green. When he started eating baby food, we started with greens, like recommended. He has ALWAYS spit it out and if you MAKE him eat he can MAKE himself throw it up before or as soon as he swallows it.

Lately, we have been bribing him to eat his vegetables, but of course the bribe includes a little clause saying he can not force himself to throw up the vegetables. It is starting to work - little by little. We started with just a few bites, and every night we add a little more to what he has to eat for his dessert (or whatever the bribe for the night is). His problem - he holds the food that he does not like in his mouth forever before he swallows it. I don't exactly like food sitting in my mouth for five minutes before I swallow it either!! I guess that is our next step - getting him to swallow ASAP!

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