Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Juniors Chronicles

What a morning!! We all got up late this morning, except Isaac who was up before six because of this awful cough he has had the last several weeks (he goes to the dr in a little while about that). I turned on PBS for him to watch and went back to bed. Bryce got up about 7:30 and I got Caleb up at about 7:45, so I just got home from taking everyone to their "places".

I had forgotten to fix Caleb a lunch, so I had to run home before I dropped him off and get it. He has been fine all morning (the short time he was up), seemed in a good mood and everything. I go back out to the car and get in and he is crying. I asked him what was wrong and I got the normal "I don't want to talk about it" that is always the response to that question. We are really having to work on his talking about problems!!!

After going through the normal run-down of questions, I finally just asked if he wanted to stay home today (I think a lot of his problem is he is too tired!!). He said no, he wanted to go to BGC. I told him I was not taking him anywhere until he talked to me about what was bothering him. Finally, he answered.

"I did a bad thing with the toads." He says with tears flowing.


I did not do the right thing. I took them from their home and now they will never see their Mommy and Daddy."

Collective AHHHHHHHHH! here.

"Sweetie, their Mommy and Daddy don't hang around and wait on them to turn into frogs. Besides, I thought the puddle was drying up?"

"It was."

"Well, if the puddle were to dry up what would happen?"

"They would die because there would be no water."

"And if they die, would they see their Mommy and Daddy?"


"Well, then it seems to me that you are a hero - you saved them!"

Unfortunately, me building it all up did not make things better. I told him I was going to pick him up early today and maybe he could come home and take a nap before VBS. We have a late night because sometime after 9 tonight, Daddy is coming home and we have to pick him up. Hopefully BGC will get Caleb out of whatever funk he is in this morning!!

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