Monday, June 26, 2006

Big Junior and Little Junior Update & Another Apology to Mom

That would be the tadpoles (or polliwogs - I like that name better) that Caleb saved from a drying-up puddle at the BGC.

I should insert another apology to my mom here!! Sorry for the stray animals I brought home. You are probably thinking hey at least he only brings home bugs and tadpoles, not lab puppies!! But lets think for a minute shall we - he is 7!!! BGC is pretty much the only place he goes where Daddy and I are not. There is not usually any stray animals running around BGC (I imagine with that many kids, no stray animal is stupid enough to come around). I imagine if in his first 2 weeks of being away from his parents on a regular basis he was able to come home EVERYDAY with something he "saved" or "brought for his brothers bug collection kit" (yes the brother that HATES bugs, but was talked into buying this kit by his older brother who LOVES bugs), imagine what he is going to bring home as he grows older and gets more independant. I should probably start investing in an Exotic Animal Sanctuary or something (with lots of land) because we will end up with all sorts of animals!! AND, he already has some good reasoning skills for why we should keep the animals ("it would be a good science experiment to watch them turn into frogs!") How do you say no to a child that is eager to learn? I know I will learn real quick when animals start flowing in everyday!!

BACK TO THE UPDATE: we still have 2 tadpoles. Caleb still spends his day watching them, like if he stares at them long enough, he will see the legs sprout out of their tiny, wierd little bodies. He has rearranged some things in his room, so that he can put his little rocking chair in front of the tank and watch them. He spends his time home reading to them too - I've heard this makes their legs grow faster too?

He told his Sunday School class about them yesterday and they asked him to bring his frogs to class sometime. He is so excited about this. Somehow I think we have lost the we-can-let-them-go-when-they-turn-into-frogs part of our agreement, because long term plans are being made for them by a little boy. I have tried to explain to Caleb that we have no where to house frogs. He tells me they can stay in the tank they are in, I can't make him understand that it is too small for frogs - they would not be able to jump and what is a frog that can't jump??

I also try to keep reminding Caleb that they may not make it. I was sure when we started this that the first morning we would wake up and they would be dead, but they are apparantly hearty little fellows! It is hard to make him understand that even though they have made it going on 6 days, I still don't know what I am doing and they could still die! This would be one of those MANY moments where all he hears is BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.

Big Junior is still shooting around the tank, and Little Junior is starting to be a little less shy. I went in this morning to pull up the shades so they can have some light and they were both swimming all over the tank! Keep a look out for more updates to come!!

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