Sunday, June 25, 2006

Terrible Twos???

Here is something for you first time parents with infants to think about and - well - it would probably be best if you come to grips with it now. Who ever made up the term "terrible twos" had not yet experienced threes!!

I will agree that twos were more terrible than ones. How could they not be. By two they are walking, talking, getting into everything, exploring their new world (now that they are so mobile) and trying out their independency. But I will tell you that two does not hold a candle to three.

Sadly, Bryce just turned three five days ago, but boy has he perfected the roll in those five days!! I am working on a term for three - if I say "terrible threes" then unknowing new parents will think that it is the same as the twos - but a different number! I had originally thought about lets-see-how-insane-we-can-make-our-Mommy-go-and-how-quick threes, but that is a pretty lengthy term.

How about...
ferocious threes

let's look up the definition for ferocious and see if it fits.....
WOW - first word I thought of and it is a perfect description!!!

ferocious - adj : marked by extreme and violent energy
Fierce; savage; wild; indicating cruelty; ravenous

I believe that is new term...we went from terrible twos to ferocious threes - OVERNIGHT!!

Good luck to all of you who have not yet hit Ferocious Threes. A word of advice - enjoy the Terrible Twos - they are a walk in the park...

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