Thursday, June 22, 2006

Newest Member of Our Zoo

Caleb loves going to the Boys and Girls Club! I, however, have never seen anyone as dirty as that child manages to be everyday when he comes home. I swear he must spend the day running as hard as he can so he gets good and sweaty and then the rest of the day rolling in the dirt because he comes home brown everyday. His clothes have dirt coming off of them and it looks like a sandbox when he takes his shoes off!

Everyday he comes home with some kind of creature. We have had ants, beetles, caterpillars, etc. Today however, was something I would not ever expect!! I went in to get him and as I walked up the sidewalk one of the staff members started talking about how much Caleb loves looking for bugs - all day!!! I talked to the guy for a few minutes about it, and then went to get Caleb. Caleb came out carrying a water bottle - but it was not water in it!!!

Apparantly, Caleb bought a bottle of water - POURED THE WATER OUT!!! - and collected TADPOLES! I asked why he poured out the water instead of drinking it and he said he needed it to save the tadpoles! He found tadpoles in a puddle and wanted to save them before the puddle dried up.

I don't know ANYTHING about raising tadpoles. I left them in the bottle, trying to avoid doing anything with it. I finally decided to look up online how to try to take care of them! We happened to have a little critter holder, that we had hermit crabs in a long time ago! I fixed the box up as best I could with what we already had at home. I found a net and poured the nasty water into a bowl and got the two tadpoles and placed them in the water. We will see how things turn out - one is really swimming around and checking things out, the other is pretty much just staying low and still.

I tried to take a picture, but they are really small so they are kind of hard to see, but it is where the red circles are! I will try to keep you all posted on what happens with them - and I am sure if they are still swimming tomorrow - Caleb will have names for them!!

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