Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Could Get Used to This

It has been great having my Dad here to help. He got here Saturday afternoon and the boys have yet to calm down, but he has been SUCH a big help...especially yesterday when Paul was in Mississippi.

He took the boys on three walks around the loop in our neighborhood, which is no easy task when there are four boys - two on bikes, one on a scooter and one crazy toddler on a tractor going EVERYWHERE! I am not sure who wore out who the most. I do know that I had two kids take a nap yesterday though!

I must say it was hard to force myself out of bed this morning because no kids come in my room in the mornings. AJ did this morning, until he "found" Papa. He was in my room saying "Papa" and when he heard Papas voice in Mady's room he was gone.

They are on a walk now (except Bryce who was playing with his railroad and didn't want to go). I could get used to these little spurts of quiet and someone taking care of all the kids every need. I am sure I would quickly miss it though.

We appreciate all your help more than you know Papa!!

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