Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Another Offer on the House

We got another offer on the house in Arkansas today. It is a CLEAN offer this time. Not the crap we got last time.

They offered less than we were asking (no surprise there), but they are not asking for us to pay anything. They are even paying for their own home warranty!!

We are countering the offer, but after speaking with the realtor and hearing some of the buyers info (how much they are putting down, etc) it sounds as though they are expecting a counter. They had three houses they were looking at, but ours was at the top of the list.

Our only concern right now is there is not a preapproval letter yet. They have verbally been preapproved, but there is not a letter. As part of the counter, we put that we need a preapproval letter within 5 days and the listing stays active in MLS until we receive the letter.

Keep your fingers crossed and say lots of prayers for us. It would be GREAT to get this stress off of us!!

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