Wednesday, April 08, 2009

As previously mentioned, last Thursday...the REALLY bad day....our gate that goes across the driveway (the new one) broke. The wind blew so hard that it bent the brackets and the post the brackets were attached too.

The guy that put the fence/gate up was supposed to come out Friday. He is pulling the same stuff he pulled with the fence and he never showed up, never called. He had told me that if the gate was bent from the storm insurance would have to be called and a claim made, but he would come give us an estimate for the insurance company.
Down here, you don't make insurance claims unless you REALLY need too. Insurance is horrible here and it doesn't take much in the way of claims to get dropped. We would rather "save" our insurance for when we have hurricane damage or something a little more serious that a bent fence post.

Paul is going to try and fix it on his own because I refuse to give this guy another cent. If he can't fix it I will find another fence company, but I am pretty sure he can do it. Here is what the brackets and bolts that hold the motorized arm onto the fence post look like:

The brackets should sit flat against each other and the post and the screws are not supposed to be bent at all. This shows how strong the wind was that it just twisted them all and those are heavy thick metal brackets!!

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