Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First Check-up and Sleep Through the Night

Madeleine had her first check-up this morning. She is weighing in at 7 pounds even (she was 7 lbs 5 oz), so she has really not lost that much of her birth weight. She checked out perfect and the dr said she looked great.

She also slept through the night last night. Up until last night she had not slept very well. I woke her up twice to feed her last night, but spent more time trying to wake her than she spent nursing. Our pediatrician is one that believes you DO NOT wake a baby up to feed them, unless they are under weight or not growing well.

The only problem we are having with her so far is that she won't burp after she eats. This means tummy aches!! So, she gets fussy and gassy between feedings. We are trying all the different positions for burping, but so far not much is working. The best we got was a couple yesterday while walking around and bouncing her lightly while patting her back.

She goes back on the 4th for her two week check-up.

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