Sunday, April 05, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes....

This conversation happened in the car on the way home from the grocery store this morning. We bought kites while we were there, for the kids to have over Spring Break (week after next).
The boys were asking if we could fly them today and I told them we had to get yard work done because it looked like it was going to rain and we can't fly them at the house.

Bryce was looking at his kite. Caleb says "If you break that kite you aren't going to have one for Spring Break. OH, and PAPA and MARMAR are going to be here over Spring Break!"

"THEY ARE?" Bryce and Isaac both yelled (guess they missed that conversation).

"No, Papa is coming next weekend and Marmar will be here the following weekend."

"Why are they coming and why aren't they coming together?" the boys all were asking.

I explained that Marmar had to work and Papa was coming a week early, just in case, to help out.

"Help out with what?" Bryce asked.

"Because Mommy and Daddy are going to be in the hospital giving birth to Mady" Caleb explains.

"Daddy will have to hold Mommy's hand the whole time to make her feel better." Isaac says.

"No, Mommy will just lay in bed and watch tv while she gives birth!" Bryce argues.

If only it were that simple!!!

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