Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Eve

Last night we listened to over six hours of continuous fireworks. They were fun to watch, for a while. But, when you have four kids that need to sleep.....well, you see where I am going with this!

They started between six and seven last night and ended at about 1 am. They were mostly from three or four different houses, so obviously there were some people that spent major money on fireworks. They were not just bottle rocket type stuff either, Almost the entire time it looked like professional fireworks!

Andrew made it to 8:30 pm and the other three made it to almost 11. I can't say much because this is the first year in MANY years I have actually stayed awake to see the ball drop - and I just barely made it this year.

We got the boys some sparkling apple cider. Caleb was a bit of a baby about it, but the other three seemed to like it. Especially Andrew! He was gulping it down so fast that his face was turning red and he was choking himself. I wish we had gotten the video camera out for it. He was quite funny with it!

Daddy and I played Wii all evening. That thing can really wear you out!

What an exciting New Years Eve, but I wouldn't trade it!

As for our family, 2008 was not too bad on us! I know many who did not have a great year, for whatever reason and for you all I hope 2009 brings much better things for you. We had a major move (actually a summer of major moves), a new house, Daddy home all the time, the economy did not hit us as hard as many (and hopefully THAT trend will continue on in 2009). We also got the wonderful news that not only were we expecting again (surprising but wonderful), but that we were expecting a GIRL, finally!

We have watched our children grow another year older. We have watched our baby turn in to a toddler (watch out terrible twos and torturous threes....and ferocious fours - he is entering at an amazing speed) that is into everything. We watched our oldest turn 10! Double digit age :( He is still trying to convince us he is already a teenager (sadly he already ACTS like a teenager). We have watched Isaac excel greatly in first grade and watched Bryce enter and learn how to do the whole school thing.

Our major loss of 2008 was watching Aunt Mary pass. It was so neat to watch the kids with her in her final days and moments, but she is still greatly missed. She was a major part of our holiday season and it was saddening to think of the traditions we had with her. But we know she is in a better, happier place with her husband and nephew (Paul's Dad).

Here is hoping you ALL have a great new year. We hope our 2009 will be at least as good as 2008! And we cannot wait to meet our long-awaited little girl and introduce her to everyone!

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