Sunday, January 18, 2009

Have You Ever Been to the Point....

That you would rather sit through a gruelling root canal than hear "Why?"

That is where I am.

Between Daddy being gone the past two weekends, Bryce's "whys" and endless comments that he repeats over and over ("I would not want to get in a fight with a deer."), Isaac's stating of the obvious (like telling me the refrigerator is beeping while my head is IN the refrigerator) and Caleb's "I wonder's" which he wonders and elaborates on for half an hour, and then just toddlerhood in general....


It is not at all that I don't like that my children wonder a lot and ask questions, but when they are all going at you continuously and you don't feel great anyway...well you get my point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you 'warn' out from warning your children to behave or face the consequences or 'worn' from dealing with boys? Better brush up on your girl problems because they come with a whole different set of issues!! LOL Love Mom