Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Know WE Aren't Santa

Caleb has been in that phase where he KNOWS Daddy and I are Santa, until Christmas rolls around. Then he "believes" in Santa to humor us and get what he wants.

Well, here is the proof that we are NOT Santa, other than the obvious we don't have big white beards, long white hair and a jolly laugh.

First off, Santa HAD to be an only child. Because as someone who grew up with siblings and has multiple kids, WE would know to buy ALL the kids the same toys. It doesn't matter who asks for what and what who gets, everyone elses toys are ALWAYS way better.

Also, he would know that the boys are different ages and share rooms. So, you buy age appropriate but the big kids would rather destroy...errrr.....I mean, play with little kids toys and the little kids would rather choke...errrrr....I mean, PLAY with big kid toys.

But mostly, if WE were Santa, we would NOT to go spend lots of money on toys for the boys and to instead spend it on ourselves. It does not matter if they spent ALL year asking for the same toys over and over (and then added to the list even AFTER all the presents were open and started new lists for next year). The day after Christmas, and every day thereafter, they will ALWAYS be bored.

See, I told you I could prove WE weren't Santa. Santa would not have a brain fart EVERY year that would keep him from remembering these things!

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