Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Eating Habits

My kids choice of food is....well, some could consider strange for kids. They all love most fruits and veggies and eat great. Caleb has been eating tomatoes like apples since he could stand up and still them of my grandparents side table on their screened in porch. He will try just about anything, once. Some of the things he will NOT eat is onion, squash, and green bell pepper.

Isaac will eat things most kids won't (i.e. onions, squash, bell peppers) but rarely eats french fries, won't eat ketchup and for the longest time would not eat pizza (although now he loves it).

Bryce went the longest time where he would not eat vegetables at ALL - especially green veggies. He is one of our biggest green veggie fan now. He gets excited and ask for green beans, peas, brocolli. The one thing he still refuses to eat is tuna sandwiches. He will say he will eat it, we have even made chicken salad instead of tuna, he gags everytime he tries to eat either. Texture thing I guess.

Andrew will eat BLACK OLIVES over Teddy Grahams. Last night, however, I attempted to give him Beenee Weenees for dinner. WOULD NOT TOUCH THEM! He would wrinkle up his nose and put his hands over his eyes, peeking through his fingers. When we made a run to Walmart Monday night, we picked up something quick for dinner. I grabbed a bad of chicken nuggets (always a good backup if we are having something Andrew can't have). He grabbed the bag of chicken and started screaming "CHI-CHEN" over and over and kissing the bag. He continued that until he ate some for dinner. Then started it again yesterday at lunch time. I guess we are in a chi-chen phase right now!

Over all they all eat fairly well, but at every meal the kids inspect their food. We have tried to explain that things like mushrooms and onions kinda take on the flavor of whatever they cook in. Caleb still has to go through and point out what has onions and what doesn't. We have started naming foods that he LOVES that have onions in it. I think he might finally be coming around!

They really don't have a choice. I cook one dinner a night (unless, of course I have to make something special because of AJ's lactose intolerance). They eat it or they don't eat. It is that simple and the boys have learned this early on. Momma won't spend hours every night cooking six different meals.

Just another way I earn that Mean Momma badge I wear so proudly!

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