Monday, January 26, 2009

Gotta Rant for a Minute

I didn't vote for President Obama. I don't agree with a lot of his ideas. BUT, I do support him BECAUSE he is OUR president. That does not mean I agree with him, that means that I have hope for him. I don't feel that he is tackling things right off the bat that should be tackled, like funding for groups that support abortion or closing Guantanamo Bay. And, seriously, we are going to name a Secretary of Treasury that did not pay his own taxes for over four years and then was not charged ANY penalties.....

I guess that is change of some kind!

With all this said, this bail-out that we are being forced to pay out of our tax dollars is something I am really concerned about. This will have a big effect on my children down the road. I don't think we should be choosing who deserves to be bailed out. Bail out the "reglar" people. This has really irked me since the whole bail out talk started.

Today, my anger for this went to different level. Government was so hard on the car makers having a plan before they got a dime. This was great in my opinion. They were very ridiculed about arriving on their private jets to ask Congress for money. There has been questions about where the money has been going with these banks. Today, I heard that after Citigroup was given a $45 BILLION bailout, they bought a $50 MILLION luxury jet.


I want my tax money back!

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