Friday, January 02, 2009

I am wanting to start some stuff with Andrew, but I am afraid now is so not the time.

Number one: I would love to end the thumb-sucking! As cute as it is (except for when he sucks his thumb while also having one finger up his nose which is his new thing), it is not cute when they are older and still sucking their thumb or when their teeth are messed up from sucking his thumb.

I also want to try and get him potty trained. He shows interest and signs of readines, but he is not even 2. We have been "playing" with it since June, but that is it. I have not pushed him at all.

My concern: we have a baby coming in a few months. How much will he regress when she gets here. I am more concerned with him regressing with the thumb-sucking than I am the potty training.

What is a Mom to do?

1 comment:

7littlerainbows said...

What do you mean thumb sucking is not cute when they are older? You know you had an eye for Edgewood's finest high school aged thumbsucker! HE HE HE