Monday, January 05, 2009

Blankie Drama

I have been looking for the material I made Andrew's blanket out of (the one he carries everywhere with him) so I could make a second blanket. He has some kind of sixth sense that when I go to put the blanket in the washer he walks in as I am doing it and starts crying.

I have never found this material anywhere (I got it at Hancock Fabrics). Yesterday I found a Hancock Fabrics here and went in. I found the material, but not in yellow (his blanket is yellow with green trim). I found it in the same green color as the trim on his blanket. So, I thought I would do the oppsoite and make a green blanket with yellow trim.

He tried to carry off the material (he stole it out of the bag when we got home) before I even goot the blanket made. I thought this was a good sign that he liked the blanket and would accept it, at least when I was washing his other one.

Well, I made the blanket last night when he went to bed. I put it in my room. Guess who found it this morning. Now, he is carrying BOTH blankets. If I try to take one, he screams "BLANKIE" at me and starts crying.

I think what I am going to have to TRY to do is get the yellow one, wash it and hide it. Then go get some more green material and yellow trim while they have it, and make a second green one. Maybe, if I am lucky, I can get him to accept the green one as a replacement and only carry ONE blanket! The good thing about this is that I have learned how to make the blankets a lot better now. The yellow one looks horrible because I did not know how to do blanket binding. Now I do!

Oh, we have code names for the blankets because if we say blanket or blankie he immediately starts searching for it (which is bad if it is in the washer). His yellow blanket it Big Bird (because it looks like Big Bird). So, we named the green one Oscar the Grouch, even though it is not the same green as Oscar. He has not figured these names out....YET.

I also got the same material in red to make a blanket for Mady. Maybe I should make two for her too! But let's be realistic. If she IS going to get attached to a blanket, it will be a blanket that there is only one of and that I can no longer find.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get the material and make three!!