Tuesday, January 06, 2009


On my way to my appointment something very freaky happened to me. The weatherman this morning said the temperature would be going up and down today because there was a front that was going back and forth over us. I noticed when I was going in and out throughout the day talking to the fence people that the temp was fluctuating some, but nothing bad.

When I left the house the thermometer in my car said it was 73 degrees. The temperature quickly dropped to 60 degrees and went back up to 70 in a matter of about 10 minutes. In that 10 minutes there were two times my windshield completely fogged over to where I could not see out, but before I could even reach for the defrost it completely cleared.

Gives new meaning to the saying "if you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes!"

Now it is in the 50's. I guess it finally pushed through.

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