Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Beware Daddy

Monday night we were meeting some friends at a Mexican restaraunt here in town. As we were walking in, Caleb showed me the bracelets (those Lance Armstrong type, but that he got at church and aren't Lance Armstrong) he was wearing. Apparently he had one of the bracelets high on his arm at his shoulder. "And look Mom, they left a sex mark." In my baffled, tripping-all-over-myself, did-he-really-just-say-that stage, all I could say is "WHAT?"

"The bracelet left a sex mark on my arm."

"You don't need to be talking about sex as we are all walking into a restaraunt to eat."

"Well, I don't even know what sex is. What is it?"

"Um, again, now is not the time to talk about that. But, your DADDY will be home on Friday. Ask him when he gets home!"

It is not that we don't want to have "the" talk with him (we don't, but that is not why we haven't). Caleb LOVES to share his knowledge to everyone. He has asked questions before (especially when I was pregnant) but never really pushed the topic. My fear is that we have "the" talk with him and he goes and shares all of his knowledge with all of his friends. Then I start getting phone calls from parents!

Honestly, he is obviously getting some of the information from others. It would be better to just have the talk and give him the facts and go from there.

I distinctly remember a conversation Paul and I had before we had kids. Daddy handles these type of things with all of our boys. I handle them with the girls.

This might be one of those times I am GLAD I DON'T HAVE ANY GIRLS!!

Okay, I would rather have a girl and have the talk with her, but, lets just go with this!

Have fun Daddy!!

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