Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Third day of third grade

Third day of school, third day of homework! He had language homework today. Two worksheets front and and 14 questions in his textbook.

Yesterday, when he started his math homework, he immediately asked for a calculator. I told him I didn't think he was allowed to use a calculator. He said everyone always uses a calculator, even adults. I told him he had to LEARN how to do it on paper, then he could start using a calculator. Good try!!

He spent three hours on his homework yesterday. Not because he had three hours of homework and not because he did not know what he was doing. It took three hours because he decided to play. He soon found out that when he waste all that time NOT doing homework, he loses his time to do everything else. I told him I am not going to hound him about homework, but that he had to sit at his desk until it was done and if it took from the time he gets home to the time he goes to bed, fine. Last year I let him wait until after dinner to do his homework and he did the same thing, but then had to stay up late to do his work. Since I know that taking a break from the work when he first gets home doesn't help, he can learn that if he wants time to play or use the computer or games - he needs to get his work done - PROPERLY!

Oh, guess how many books he brought home today? That is right, ONE - no extras!!

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