Thursday, August 23, 2007

NOT a good school day!!

for EITHER of the boys!

Isaac had a good day, he said. Then we got in the car and he started telling me about it. Didn't sound too good (and the fact that he cried from the time he got IN the car to the time we got home didn't help!)!!

He had fun, but at nap time he went to use the potty and missed the potty - so he ALREADY used his extra clothes (which is okay!). Also, they go to recess after lunch. I sent Isaac some apple slices for snack - in his lunchbox. At lunch he ONLY ate his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He saved the cookies, chips and apples for snack. That would be okay, I guess, except he left his lunchbox on the playground at recess, so he had no snack. All he had to eat his entire day at school was a sandwich!

The teacher knew he forgot his box, but I don't know if she understood that his snack was IN his lunchbox. I went and asked his teacher about it because she was still outside. She said "oh, yeah..." and asked if I wanted to go to the playground and get it. I was in the pick-up line and could not leave the car there. There were no parking spots (not close to the building anyway) and I did not want to unload all of the kids in 100+ degree temps and wait on the teacher to finish delivering her kids to their parents, so I said I could not easily go to the playground. She said she would get it when she was done and if I would send his lunch in a bag, she would put it in his lunchbox in the morning.

I told Isaac, and he started crying MORE and said he didn't want to leave it. Maybe that will help him remember tomorrow!!

Caleb.... Caleb....Caleb....

I waited for quite a while for Caleb to come out.
He was escorted....
by his teacher.

As soon as I looked up and saw her coming, and him following a few steps back, head down with a sheet of paper in his hand - I KNEW!!

Every year Caleb gets in trouble at the beginning of the year. He has to see how far he can go and if the teacher is serious. Not far, and she is!! Usually after a note is sent home for his behavior, he is too scared to have ANOTHER note sent home and the bad behavior stops.

She said he had gotten in trouble yesterday and today for being rowdy and bouncing around. I told her we would talk. Caleb padded the story by saying that he was putting his backpack on, hit a chair that was on top of a desk and knocked it off. It is VERY possible that is what really happened, but if he has been "bouncing around and being rowdy" for the last two days and she did not actually see what happened, then I guess it is safe for her to assume he is doing it then.

I told Caleb that he now had to prove to his teacher that he was not a bad kid. In order to do that he needed to calm down and pay attention. I also reminded him that I signed a sheet that said the principal COULD paddle him. I also told him I would send the teacher a note and if she had any more problems to call me and I will make Daddy come home from work and go to the school to take care of it. He started crying AGAIN.

So, basically the drive home was flooded with tears!

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