Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Big Kindergartener!

ummm, I tied his shoe BEFORE he got in the car to go! He didn't tie that one too well, apparantly!

WOW!! I dropped the boys off this morning at school. Caleb decided today was the PERFECT day to where this shirt (since he HAD to walk his brother to his class):

Front of shirt
Back bottom of shirt

I mean he got out of bed this morning asking where this shirt was!! When we got this shirt, Caleb made such a big deal out of saying the "brother" in the cage was Isaac, that I went and got Isaac the same shirt and told him the "brother" in the cage was Caleb!

I digress: I asked Isaac this morning, as he was getting ready, if he wanted me to walk him in. He smiled BIG and said "no, I want CALEB to walk me in!" I frowned BIG and said okay. When we got to the school, I asked Isaac if he wanted me to walk him in, he said "NO, I want CALEB to walk me in!" with a smile and a tone of frustration (like, "I have told you a hundred times, you can't walk me in!).

Not only could I not walk him in, HE COULD NOT EVEN BE BOTHERED TO GIVE ME A HUG AND KISS!!! My sweet little Isaac!! He got out of the car, started walking to the building and NEVER LOOKED BACK! :-(

I know I should feel good that he is comfortable enough to be able to go to school and not need me to walk him in and linger around (like my Mother so sweetly pointed out had to be done with me!), but I figured out of ANY of the boys - he would be the one to let me, if not WANT me too!

I will live!! I will post this evening how Isaac did the first day of BIG K!!!!

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