Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Second Day of Third Grade...

and Caleb is already realizing that he is not going to sail through third grade like he has every other grade. He came home with homework on his first day of school - and his second. He is having to carry real (thick and heavy) textbooks home and back. In fact, when we bought his backpack I told him the one he picked out was going to be too small. He said it would be fine. Instead of argueing, I spent the $8 on it! I went today to get him a regular, bigger backpack!!! I guess Isaac has two now!

I asked him when I picked him up today if third grade was hard. He said "yes, definently! It is much harder than I thought." I told him that was good, and he said he knew - he wouldn't be bored but would have to pay more attention so he could still get A's.

He carried home an extra textbook today, we will see how many times that happens because he commented on how heavy they were!

I am glad that he is already being challanged, and I am glad that he sees - and accepts - the fact that he needs to be challanged to really learn anything.

He was up BEFORE the alarm went off this morning - and DRESSED (his alarm goes off at 6:30). He said he wanted to get to school even earlier from now on because his teacher lets him go into class and play with the animals!

Caleb's needs help with his Math homework (we will see if I can do third grade math or if Daddy will have to teach us both!!)....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch the weight of the backpacks he wears....there has been a study done that says the weight of the school backpacks can be too heavy and cause back growth problems. How about a back pack with wheels so he has a choice on how to use it?