Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mommy Knows Best!!


Andrew went for his four month check-up today. Didn't go too great! Dr. came in and was showing me his growth chart, "Wait, she must have not charted this right." He checks his file, "UMMM, are you still breastfeeding?" Yes. "Do you think you have enough milk?" Yes. I told him he was throwing up before he was stopping eating and that I still had milk at that point. Then I told him that he throws up a lot, Dr asked how much and I told him that he was soaking more than one burp cloth PER FEEDING! He is now on Zantac for acid reflux. He has always thrown up bad, but because he gained enough weight at 2 months, the dr was not concerned.

This would explain the not being able to handle fruits. He handles bananas (which are not acidic) but does not do well with applesauce or peaches (which ARE acidic). Dr asked about formula and I told him that I tried giving him formula, just in case I wasn't around and he needed to eat and that after trying three different kinds and four different bottles - he would not touch the stuff!

I DID start adding some cereal to his bananas a couple of days ago because I was not feeling like he was gaining like he should. When the dr was asking his feeding schedule, I told him that I started him on vegetables at around 3 1/2 months. He said that was great and he was glad I went on and did that. I told him he was taking a 2.5 ounce jar at bedtime and then nursing. He said that was perfect. I told him our nighttime schedule and asked if I should be waking him up and feeding him at night. He said that the schedule he is on is PERFECT and he does not want to mess that up if he doesn't have to, so he told me to try and add an extra feeding sometime in the evening.

I asked when to start feeding him food twice a day (I didn't want to push things too fast since he was already eating early)and he said now. If the food and medicine doesn't help him gain, we may have to add margerine (for the fat) to his food (can you imagine his diapers with a greased up tract!!).

Then I asked about these little spots that he was born with on his face. I saw them as soon as he was born and told Paul it looked like he was pressed against something when he was in me. We had not been to concerned about it, none of the drs said anything about it at the hospital, but I decided to ask Dr about it today because one of the spots looked like it was deeper (it looks like you took a pen or something sharped and poked him with it and it left an indentation on his face). He said it is a birth defect. When his tissue was forming there, it just didn't form correctly but usually it will correct itself. Then he added that you have to watch for any drainage because if it is all the way to a sinus cavity it could get infected (and that it would be hard to see drainage because it may be to deep!). He also said that kids that have this also seem to be more prone to kidney problems. Yes, I am VERY SORRY I ASKED!!

I know they are hard to see - my camera doesn't do that close very well but these are the spots. The one closest to his ear (really kinda on his ear) is the one of most concern!

The dr ends by saying "Other than this stuff - he is PERFECT!!" After twenty minutes of discussing possible problems - he is perfect! He is, and these are minor issues that need to be addressed and watched but not worried about. We are still very fortunate to have FOUR VERY HEALTHY KIDS - when you look at what other kids have or do endure.

So, here are the numbers:
Weight: 12 lbs. 5 ounces pounds (10%) - he was 11lbs 3 ounces at 2 months
Length: 25 3/4in (85%) - he was 23 3/4in at two months
Head: 15 7/8in (10%) - it was 15in at two months

He has to go back in one month just to have his weight checked. He goes back in two months for his SIX month :-( checkup. If he is still not gaining weight well, the dr will do an ultrasound on him to look at kidneys and stomach.

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