Sunday, July 08, 2007

Trip to Petit Jean

Here is a slide show of our trip to Petit Jean Mountain this past week. Most of the pictures are at different trails and overlooks at Petit Jean State Park. The pictures of the house are the house we stayed in. It was a 3 bedroom house that we got for $60!!! I am glad Paul knows someone!! The house was from the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute.

Behind the back of the house was an old shop. You would not believe what we found inside the shed. Of all things there was an old firetruck that looked like it was in great condition! Bryce was so excited! He kept telling us that he was going to crawl through the broken out window and drive the firetruck through the doors and home. Scary thought!

We had a great time! I have some videos I will try to add ASAP!

The first day we were gone, we actually stayed at a hotel so that the kids could swim. Caleb has gotten to be a pretty good swimmer, no floats involved. Isaac realized that he could wear the arm floats and swim, so he spent the time swimming laps across the pool. Bryce was scared and spent an hour screaming because he did not think his floats would keep him above water. Even when I was not holding him and he was not sinking, he still did not trust them. Andrew got in for about 15 minutes. He loved it, but it wasn't really warm enough for him. He smiled and laughed and kicked and then I put him in his swing (yes, I took his portable swing to the pool!) and he went to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures! You guys are such good parents -- these are memories that will stay with the kids for the rest of their lives.

Speaking of memories . . . it's been awhile since I've seen you guys. Weren't you planning on coming down soon? Lindsay