Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Last night, I got the boys up to go potty before I went to bed. I got Caleb up, he went potty and while he was doing that I was fixing his bed (he woke up with a neck-ache because he was sleeping on a pillow that was to big). When I went back to the bathroom to tell him to get in bed, he was gone.

I walked through the house and to my room and didn't see him anywhere. I was walking back towards his room after telling Paul that I had lost him. The lights were turned off except their hall and his bedroom. As I was walking through the kitchen I just happened to look over and catch a glimpse of somehting. I stop and look and it is Caleb, asleep at the table.

I kept telling him to go to bed and he kept saying he wanted to sleep right there. I was going to let him because I wanted him to wake up and wonder why he was at the table. But, Paul went and got him and took him to his bed!

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