Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Caleb in Trouble

I started a new punishment for Caleb. I have made him start writing sentences when he is disrespectful to his parents or brothers. I told him that every time he has to write sentences I am adding one page more than he did the last time.

At this point, I am not sure what I am going to do. Yesterday he got mad at me and he lost it. He was watching tv in my room. I found out he was watching SpongeBob, which I don't allow him to watch. I told him I was turning on the tv in the living room and he could go watch something out there, but he was not watching Spongebob. He told me he was staying in there and watching what he wanted too. I calmly told him that he was NOT watching Spongebob, but I would turn on something else in the LIVING ROOM! He said he did not want to watch tv with his brothers and started throwing a tantrum (I really thought he was old enough to not have those anymore!!)

I told him he had sentences to write and to go to the table (he was up to 5 pages). He told me no. I said he had another page added he said he wasn't writing "stupid sentences". I added another. By the end, he had nine pages to write but he opted to go to bed (at 4:30 - and he stayed in bed until 7 this morning).

He did THREE pages all day today. He had to sit at the table all day, and only wrote 3 pages. One of those pages he cut WAY down. His sentence was: I will not disrespect my mother.
He wrote a full page of: I will respect Mom.

I made him write that page over. I feel bad for him. I know the sentences MEAN the same, but he is only doing it to get out to work. at this point, I cannot cut back the pages. He is testing me and I can't let him think that if he stalls and disobeys long enough, he will get out of doing what he is supposed to do!

He will either have respect for his family by the end of the summer - or - he will have the BEST penmanship of his third grade class.


Anonymous said...

I really hate to tell you this, but I know for a fact that even 10 year olds (almost 11 year olds) still throw temper tantrums. So, NO he isn't too old for them :( Sorry Sis!

Anonymous said...

Hold your ground. I know you can do it! Love you. Lindsay