Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Depressing Morning!

I spent the first part of this morning cleaning out Andrew's closet. He has outgrown most of his newborn clothes. I have already had to remove all of the newborn inserts from things like the swing, carseat, etc.

To top it all off, we went to see if he could handle a backpack carrier before we left for vacation. Sadly, he could! He is still a little wobbly in it, but we put his little lion that he loves down in front of him and it keeps him pretty still, plus he has a travel companion!!!

He is sitting in his Jeep walker, too. Again, we put his lion in front of him to keep him from falling forward, but as far as his head goes, he is doing great. He has strong neck muscles already. This has really become his favorite activity (Daddy is SO proud!)!!

He has steadily been sleeping 7-8 hour nights. One night while we were gone he did an 11 1/2 hour stretch. I voiced my concern for him going too long (even 7-8 hours, as much as I love it) and Paul so sweetly pointed out that Andrew is no longer a newborn!! This is all happening TOO FAST!!! These transitions were hard for me with all of the boys, but knowing that this is the last time I will go through all of these glorious babyhood milestones makes it that much harder.

OH, and do you think this helps any? HE IS CRAWLING!!! Ok, not on his hands and knees crawling, but I can no longer leave him on the bed. If I leave him laying on his belly on the bed and turn around or leave the room for a minute, when I get back he is on the other side of the bed. Get him mad, and he is even faster! He is to close to being able to roll over to put him on his back and leave him. I just can't trust the little booger anymore! You can call it scooting, crawling, whatever - the point is HE IS TOO MOBILE!!

I guess this is why the last born is ALWAYS the baby!! I am trying to hang on to every stage way longer than I should be. The poor thing had to wear things that were, well really, just too small for him, but Mommy could not admit that to herself and kept stretching them on him!

At least he still wants to be held as much as possible and will still happily laugh and talk at me! The day that ends, I really think my already fragile heart might break for good!

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