Friday, July 27, 2007

Another Case of Mommy Brain

This morning I was trying to water the front yard and our tree that is not making it! In the process I turned the water in the back on to fill up the dogs water bucket.

I went back out front and continued watering. About 2 1/2 to 3 hours later, while I was fixing the boys their lunch I happened to glance out the kitchen window and see MUD!! The water was still coming out full blast!!

So, I come in, IM Paul and told him what I did.

Then, tonight he went out to water the front lawn again. I LEFT THE FRONT WATER ON TOO!! Luckily, it had a hose on it and the hose had a sprayer so it was shooting out like the back!!

I will never be the one to water again!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So when you get your water bill you will know why it is so high. Maybe you should post it close to the water tap to remind you not to leave it on.