Monday, July 09, 2007


This is pretty clean for Caleb's room, but I wanted to make a point. When I tell Caleb to clean his room, 9 times out of 10, this is what he does. Usually, though, they are not in tubs - he just fills his bed with toys. He did this the other day. I told him to clean his room, but I did not check it when he said he was done. So when I went in to tell him good night, there were toys all over his floor. I told him I thought I had said to clean the room. "I did, those are the toys that were on my bed." ISN'T THE BED PART OF THE ROOM? He also throws stuff under the bed, in the closet and under the dresser! Oh, and he thinks this is clean too:

Do you think the kid likes to read? This might be why he is always asking me where a certain book is!!!

I am impressed though because it is 10 am and the boys have all been in Isaac and Bryce's room adn this is as bad as it looks - usually it is completely destroyed by now!!

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