Monday, July 09, 2007

If My Car Doesn't Get Hailed On...

It will be a miracle!!

Not sure what happened to the map - but this is what is over us and coming! My car is parked OUTSIDE!! Paul started building a workbench in our garage Saturday. As soon as he stopped working Saturday evening (with the plan to finish it Sunday) the phone rang. It was his boss asking him to go to Coffeyville KS, where they are dealing with flooding. So my garage, well it looks like this:

Believe it or not, we usually BOTH park in their - we just decorate our walls with CRAP (not literally)!!! This is why Paul is building a workbench. But come on, this is JULY - we don't usually have rain this time of year (of course we are usually over 100 degrees every day by now and we have not even hit 100 yet!!).

I went out determined to reaarange and fit my car in there, yea - not going to happen. I can put all of the "stuff" in the driveway and pull the car in, but then when a saw or drill or bike goes through someones window - I AM RESPONSIBLE! I guess I would rather the damage be to my own instead of causing damage to someone elses property - right?

And the thunder rolls (enter Garth!)!!

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