Monday, July 09, 2007

An Autograph

I went and got some coffee this morning. I left Caleb and Isaac in the car while I ran in, but took the younger two with me. As I was leaving our Sherriff walked in. If you don't remember, they did mock voting at the elementary school last year and Caleb voted for this man, even though Paul and I didn't (shows how much we talk politics in front of the kids!).

When I got to the car, I asked Caleb if he saw who walked in. He said no. I told him who it was and he got all excited. He asked if he could go get his autograph. Normally, he would be too shy to do this, so I said he could, but he had to go by himself. He asked if I would do it for him, and I said no he had to do it himself (again).

HE DID!!! He went in the coffee house by himself. He went up to the poor man while he was reading his newspaper and asked for his autograph. He also told him that he voted for him at school!

HE CRACKS ME UP!!! He is so star-struck by the SHERIFF!!! Can you imagine if he saw someone REALLY famous. He told me the only reason he voted for him was because he had been on tv. Unfortunately - that is how MANY people that REALLY vote base their opinion!

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