Saturday, July 07, 2007

Name Game

Here is the answer to the name in the painting. Mom - you will love this!! ANDY is painted in the picture. Below I highlighted in red the letters.

Lindsay, good guesses, but I am quite curious where you found the other names!! Hope you didn't get to distracted from your work looking for it!! I told Paul we could name it Alphabet Soup and he says it should instead be titles either "Lindsay Needs Some Time Off" or "Admit One To the Funny Farm!" I guess we now know how to stump Lindsay! Let her look at something too long and she starts seeing things!

I showed the picture to Andrew the other day, and he just stared and laughed at it, which is what he does at the other ones the boys painted. I am glad he enjoys looking at them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw the A thought the D was a J so thought I was seeing AJ - couldn't have been Andy 'cause I KNEW you guys didn't want him called Andy. Good tries Lindsay!
Love you all- Mom