Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Not All Aspects of Feeding Can Be Easy

I decided it was time to start getting Andrew used to formula and drinking out of a bottle. He decided it was NOT time to try formula! I tried three different formulas in the Soothie bottles (which has the same nipple as the pacifiers he uses) he kept gagging himself. I decided to try a different bottle...and a different bottle...after everything we tried all three formulas in four different bottles - with no winners!! He screamed! He wanted ME! And everytime I tried to feed him, he looked at me with these eyes like I was betraying him or something!

He finally decided screaming wasn't working so he thought he would try to be cute! He would get a little in his mouth, gargle it, laugh and spit it out (then continue to laugh). It was cute! I decided that may be the best way to go, so now before each feeding, I am going to squirt a little formula in his mouth and maybe he will get used to the taste. If that doesn't work, I may have to make Paul try. Last night when Caleb would give him the bottle he would laugh (even when he screams at me!)

I am not trying to wean him, just want him to accept formula so that if I am not around him and he is hungry (like at church, etc.) he can have a bottle.

I think he just wants to guarantee that I can't get too far away - or maybe I just want to BELIEVE he doesn't want me to get too far away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meg, are the holes in the nipples on the bottles to large? He may be getting too much formula at one time, or getting it too fast. See if you can find a different size opening on the nipples. Evenflo used to sell them with small and large holes, crosscut for juice etc. Evenflo even sold nipples with no holes so you could heat a needle and make them yourself. Love, Mom

PS. He's already got YOU trained and HE's not even four months old yet!! Gotta love it.