Sunday, July 08, 2007

July 4th

Well, really July 3rd, we did our fireworks. We sat outside on the driveway, Andrew in his Jeep (making Daddy proud!). Andrew did awesome. I kept the video camera on him trying to get his expression at the first REALLY loud one. He did not even flinch for the longest time. Then I turned the camera off and Daddy set off a REALLY loud one. It scared him to death! I took him out and held him for the rest of them and guess what he does - FALLS ASLEEP!! He slept through all of ours and then some of the neighborhoods (before I took him in and put him in bed). That just goes to show how noisy our house is - he is so used to it he can sleep through anything apparantly!

The boys stayed outside with us until about 10 watching everyone around us shooting fireworks. It amazes me how much people spend on fireworks! Maybe we should have a tent next year!! The boys loved it though. They would get frustrated because they would be watching someones and then someone else would shoot theirs and they just couldn't see it all at one time!

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