Tuesday, July 31, 2007


through the seperation anxiety, lack of sleep and just overall long night. But wait, that was my night - my first night with Andrew in HIS bed in HIS room.

Andrew slept in his bed for the first time last night. It was my idea, because he has been constantly sleeping through the night. There are have been times when he has awakened fussing, but when I "rotate the rotisserie" (aka: roll him over) he went right back to sleep and would sleep the rest of the night, but when he takes naps in his crib - he sleeps really well.

So, at bed time last night I decided that I would let him sleep in his room. I went through the "what-if's". What if he stops breathing, what if he crys and I don't wake up, what if... what if...!

Then I realized that it is not like I stay awake and stare at him all night, so all of these what ifs could still happen and I could still sleep through them. What makes it even worse is that he is rolling over so I can't keep him from sleeping on his stomach.

So, I put him to bed, checked on him twice before I went to bed. Then I turned on the monitor, probably loud enough that if he cried the neighbors would hear! I started at the lights on the monitor (the louder the noise in his room, the more lights come on on the monitor). When I would fall asleep, I would wake up and check the monitor, but I would not let myself go in and wake him up to check on him! At seven this morning, I STILL had not heard him. I went in to check on him and he was just starting to wake up (he was doing the fluttery eyes and smiling). I got him up and he gave me his normal huge morning smile!!

I survived the night and it will get easier with every night! Now, if I could just get Bryce to stay in his bed everynight instead of coming into my room and sleeping on my floor in the middle of the night.

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